Trail Mix with Gourmet Nuts – A Perfect Snack

Friday, May 22, 2009
Don't you agree that "Trail Mix" sounds a lot more appealing than "Gorp?" GORP is short for Granola, Oats, Raisins, and Peanuts, a name which has been in existence ever since the early 1900’s. No matter what the name, this treat contains energy-boosting ingredients such as nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, with candy sometimes added in the latest versions. This treat has been around forever, although in the olden days it contained dried meats as well. It's portable and is great for hikers or anyone wanting a quick, healthy snack. This is called "Scroggin" in New Zealand and Australia. If you ask me, I'd rather eat "Trail Mix" than "Scroggin". 

When you think of trail mix, you may think of wagon trains struggling across the desert with pioneers walking along munching on nuts and berries to survive. According to the U.S. Patent Office, "Trail Mix" came to the U.S. officially in 1968 thanks to the efforts of Harmony Food Company. This California based company introduced us to its "Original Trail Mix" snack. 

Wherever the term came from, this treat is very much in demand and even comes in vending machines for employees who desperately need some energy in the middle of the afternoon. Hikers, cyclists, hunters, soldiers, and athletes have all used trail mix as a pick-me-up while going about their activities. When it comes to trail mix, there are enough versions to suit everyone. The cheapest, most common blend contains peanuts, raisins and chocolate bits. 

I buy a special version of trail mix for myself that contains dark chocolate, white chocolate, dried cranberries, and my all time favorite, pistachios! Sadly, the vendor can’t ship chocolate in the warmer months, so I buy a bunch of the mix in advance. When it runs out, I just mix up a batch myself. I buy dark chocolate covered coffee beans, dried banana chips, and pre-shelled pistachios to make my own, custom trail mix. If you want a snack that is high in fiber, antioxidants, protein, vitamin B6 and the good fats, you can't beat pistachios. With both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, they have been proven to lower cholesterol levels. It is really healthy because there are antioxidants in the dark chocolate, potassium and vitamins in the banana chips, and energy in the coffee beans! 

There are people who might say that pistachios are too costly to include in a treat like trail mix. I think they're wrong. I get it at a cheaper rate per pound by always buying in bulk. This is a healthy, fast and easy meal replacement for when you are short on time. Six dollars worth of trail mix is a lot more nutrition than six dollars worth of fast food. 

Don't hesitate; sample some trail mix that includes pistachio nuts. I am certain that you will enjoy it as much as I do. 


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