Why Eat Healthy?

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Eating healthy is very important in order to sustain a good quality life. If we didn’t eat healthy we would be prone to lots of illnesses and would run the risk of gaining excess weight and joining the obesity crowd.

We are all allowed our bad times though and I don’t believe there is such a thing as the perfect healthy person. Even if you have stuck to healthy living for the past twenty years what about during your teen years and you visited McDonalds once a week.

I know I was one of their regulars and without the teenage population I very much doubt that they would be surviving during this current recession!

Healthy eating should be practiced on the whole though. I know you hear about it in the media on a daily basis and get sick to the back teeth of it but eating your five a day of fruit and vegetables is an amazing place to start.

Growing up in Leeds, England my grandparents wouldn’t hear of me going without my fruit and vegetables. The majority of my friend’s parents and grandparents had allotments. This meant that from a very young age we were given lots of seasonal produce that we grew up loving. My wife’s Granddad had a lovely allotment and to this day she still loves eating lots of raw carrots when she gets the munchies and is much better than sneaking a cream filled bun out of the fridge.

As a result of our upbringing we both adore fresh fruit and vegetables. This we believe helps us have a healthy lifestyle and we very rarely catch a cold or suffer from illnesses in general. Neither of us have had a single tummy bug since our son was a couple of months old and he will be eight this year.

Through embracing a good diet along with regular exercise we are able to enjoy playing with our son for hours in the park or on the beach without feeling over tired or out of breath like many kids are.

If you constantly eat the wrong foods you run the risk of other problems such as heart disease or diabetes. Also you will have great levels of energy and actually enjoy getting out of bed in the morning.

The Many Ways to Cook Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast

Boneless skinless chicken breast is the most popular cut of poultry in the United States and with good reason: they are low in fat, quick and easy to prepare and extremely versatile. This wonderful cut of poultry can be grilled, sauteed, broiled, poached, fried and baked. There is a downside however to this cut of meat: they are rather low in fat. You may be asking: "What is wrong with that? That makes them healthy right?" Yes, they are a healthier way to eat, but because they are low in fat, they are also low in moisture and that makes them very susceptible to over cooking. Nothing is less appetizing than a dry and overcooked piece of meat.

There are two ways to make certain your chicken is not overcooked. The first way, and the most accurate in my opinion, is to use an instant read thermometer. I own a handy little electronic thermometer with a voice alert feature. It is extremely accurate and has never let me down. The other method for checking doneness is by pricking the meat with a fork. If the juices run clear, then it is done. I think the first option is much safer, but you can be the judge.

There are literally hundreds of combined recipes and methods for cooking chicken breast, far too many to cover in this article, so I will talk about two very popular methods.

One of the easiest and tastiest ways is to marinate and grill them.

Below is a great marinade recipe:



4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

1/4 Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Tablespoons of Freshly Squeezed Lemon Juice

2 Tablespoons of Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice

1/3 Cup of Freshly Chopped Parsley

1/3 Cup of Freshly Chopped Basil

1 Clove of Garlic Minced

1 Teaspoon of Salt

1/4 Teaspoon of Freshly Cracked Black Pepper


Step 1: Mix together everything, accept the chicken breasts, in a large bowl.

Step 2: Add chicken to the bowl, cover with plastic wrap and marinate in the refrigerator for several hours.

Step 3: Get you grill nice and hot and oil the grates to prevent the chicken from sticking.

Step 4: Grill chicken about 4 minutes per side or until done.

Another fantastic way to cook chicken breasts is by baking them in foil in the oven. The foil helps keep the meat nice and moist while cooking. What you put inside the foil is only limited by your imagination, but to make things easier, I have included a great recipe below.



4 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

10 - 15 Kalamata Olives Pitted and Chopped

8 - 10 Sun Dried Tomatoes Cut Into Thin Strips

4 Tablespoons of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 Tablespoons of Freshly Chopped Basil

2 Tablespoons of Freshly Chopped Parsley

Salt and Pepper to Taste


Step 1: Preheat Oven to 450 Degrees F

Step 2: In a bowl, combine the olives, tomatoes, basil, parsley, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Step 3: Cut 8 Squares of Aluminum Foil (Cut them large, about 18 inches square)

Step 4: Grab 2 squares of foil and place one on top of the other.

Step 5: Grease the foil with some olive oil

Step 6: Place a chicken breast in the center of the foil and spoon some of the tomato and olive mixture on top

Step 7: Loosely fold the foil over the chicken forming a tent and seal tightly

Step 8: Repeat this process for the remaining chicken breasts

Step 9 : Place the wrapped chicken breasts on a baking sheet and place in the pre-heated oven

Step 10: Bake for approximately 20 minutes or until done. To check for doneness, cut a small slit in the foil to allow the steam to escape and then carefully unfold the foil. Check for doneness with an instant read thermometer. The internal temperature should read 160 degrees F.

Step 11: Let the chicken breasts stand for about five minutes before serving.

Four Tips for Better Budget Cooking

Are you looking for places to tighten your budget? Well, look no further than budget cooking! Your food bill is a good place to save money and learning how to cook is a great way to trim the food bill. When you learn the basics of cooking method, you waste less food, you prepare better food at home and you can buy in bulk, which is another cost-saving measure. It's simple to master these cooking techniques that will save you money - with just some knowledge, study and a little practice. Here are just a few ideas to get you started.

Buy in Bulk

If you know how to prepare meat (chicken, beef, pork) quickly and efficiently, it makes sense to buy your favorite meats in larger quantities when they are on sale. Trim and prepare the meat, portioning it into serving sizes. Label and date each package and put each portion into the freezer. Now, when you are ready to prepare dinner some night, just take out a portion and prepare it using your favorite cooking method with your favorite ingredients. This budget cooking tip actually saves time AND money!

Celebrate at Home

Going out to a restaurant to celebrate a special occasion is always a treat, but it does have its drawbacks. For starters - if you want to enjoy a bottle of wine, expect to pay somewhere around 2 1/2 times as much as you would buying the same bottle at a store (and that's before tip!) But... when you know how to apply basic cooking methods to great ingredients - you can create very high caliber meals right at home. And you can do this quickly, easily... and cheaply! This can also justify using the highest quality ingredients you can find and afford. You'll still be saving money by toasting your occasion... at home.

Take the Whole Tenderloin - not just the filet

One of the nicest steaks you can prepare - especially on the outdoor BBQ grill - is the filet mignon. But even at the grocery store, this premium cut of beef comes at a premium price. So - I've got some great news for you! One of my favorite "chef secrets" is that breaking down an entire filet is actually much easier than most people think. I made a cooking video that discusses purchasing an entire tenderloin (at a much better price than just the filet) and learning how to prepare it yourself. This is still one of my best money saving tips!

The not so Obvious

It might seem obvious, but the best way to save money on your food bill is to eat less, right? Well, the actual truth of the matter is that most of what is cooked is not eaten and goes to waste. A great way to save money is actually to make less - not necessarily eat less. Portioning is a secret of basic cooking method and a great way to save money. This is because most home cooks over-produce food rather than run the risk of running out of food, which everyone hates to do. However, if you portion correctly on the preparation side, you will save money and have another added bonus: proper portioning also ensures you will not have to even worry about leftovers. So you've solved another common budget cooking dilemma - what to do with leftovers? There won't be any!

Once you've mastered a few basic cooking methods and simple techniques for preparing great food, you'll find it to be a very simple and rewarding way to incorporate budget cooking into your frugal lifestyle.

What is the Best Way to Cook Frozen Shrimp?

Shrimp is without a doubt one of the most popular forms of seafood in the US and abroad. When compared to other types of shellfish, like lobster for instance, it is more affordable, and can be just as delicious if prepared correctly. It is an extremely versatile shellfish and with a bit of experience, is very easy to cook.

As the title of this article suggests, many people are searching for the best way to cook frozen shrimp. The reason why this is such a popular question is because this shellfish freezes very well. Many of us, after we buy some, store it in the freezer for future use. In fact, most of the shrimp we purchase is frozen before we buy it from the store. Even the shrimp that is supposedly fresh, has more than likely been recently thawed. There is nothing wrong with this, as I said earlier, this shellfish freezes quite well.

Hopefully the shrimp you already have on hand is still in the shell. You should avoid, if possible, purchasing any that has been peeled. A lot of the flavor is in the shells, so if it has been pre-peeled, it would have lost a good deal of essential flavor. Besides, if you peel it yourself, you can save the shells and use them to make a delicious stock that can be used in lots of other recipes.

Of all the various ways to cook shrimp, grilling and broiling are by far my favorite methods as I believe they impart the best flavor and are rather simple to prepare. Below is a recipe and instructions for marinating and grilling shrimp.


I highly recommend that you DO NOT use your microwave to defrost shrimp, or any meat for that matter. I know, from past experience, that the microwave can partially cook the meat during the thawing process and it also does something to the flavor and texture of the meat. I will usually take the shrimp out of the freezer a day or two before I plan on cooking, place it in a covered bowl, and defrost it in the refrigerator. If I am in a really hurry, I will place them in a colander and thaw under running cold water.


Grilling this delicious shellfish, preferably on a charcoal grill, provides intense flavor and they hold up wonderfully on the grill. Some of the best types of ingredients that compliment grilled shrimp are acids like lemon, lime, orange, tomato and vinegar. One of my all time favorite ways to grill them is by first marinating them in a citrus herb marinade. This is especially wonderful in the summertime. It is light, healthy and goes great with an ice cold beer or glass of wine.


Keep the shells on when marinating and grilling. Many recipes call for grilling with the shells removed. This is not recommended as the shells not only provide great flavor, but they also protect the shrimp from overcooking and drying out. This is not necessary, but it is also quite helpful to keep the tails on as well. After cooking, the tails provide an easy way to handle the shrimp while eating.



1 Pound of Shrimp (Thawed if Frozen, Shells on & De veined)

1/4 Cup of Extra Virgin Olive Oil

2 1/2 Tablespoons of Fresh Lemon Juice

1 1/2 Tablespoons Fresh Orange Juice

1/3 Cup of Freshly Chopped Parsley

1/3 Cup Freshly Chopped Cilantro

2 Cloves of Garlic Minced

1 Teaspoon of Salt

1/4 Teaspoon of Freshly Cracked Black Pepper

4 skewers - Either Bamboo or Metal. (If using bamboo, soak in water for 15 -20 minutes before grilling)


Step 1 - De vein the Shrimp - Cut a 1/4 inch slit, through the shell, in the back of the shrimp and carefully remove the vein, leaving the shell intact.

Step 2 - In a large bowl, mix together all ingredients except the shrimp

Step 3 - Add shrimp to the bowl with the marinade and toss to coat. Refrigerate for 1 Hour.

Step 4 - When you are ready to cook, thread the shrimp on the skewers and discard the marinade.

Step 5 - Preheat your grill to high and cook for 1 1/2 to 2 minutes per side.

Well there you have it. You now have a good idea of what to do with those frozen shrimp sitting in your freezer. I hope you enjoy the included summer grilling recipe. Enjoy and happy eating!

What Makes Good Olive Oil?

Pure Olive Oil and Light Olive Oil are not as the names indicate. The former is considered lower quality produced using refining processes, while the latter is merely lighter in colour and flavour and is not low in fat content as some people might think.

When you next visit the supermarket for a good olive oil read the labels, which should be clearly marked and graded by the International Olive Oil Council (IOOC).

A good quality olive oil starts with Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO), which is a superior grade of olive oil that is produced from the first pressing of olives by physical means, or centrifugation, and it cannot contain any refined oils. Also, it has less than 0.8% acidity (FFA).

For centuries health experts have advocated the consumption of olive oil in preference to other edible oils. Extra Virgin Olive Oil has more antioxidants and may reduce the production of bad cholesterols, alleviate digestive problems and also help reduce the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer.

Then there’s Virgin Olive Oil, which is similar to Extra Virgin, but with slightly higher acidity (less than 2%). Likewise, Virgin Olive Oil cannot contain any refined oil.

Then we come to the common blended Olive Oil, which is often cheaper because it contains mainly refined oils blended with virgin olive oil. This adds a milder flavour and mild aroma and is up to 3.3% free acidity. Pure Olive Oil is good for cooking and frying and contains less antioxidants.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil should display fruity characteristics as it is a natural olive fruit juice. Good oils should have a good balance of fruitiness, bitterness and pungency and above all should be fresh.

Australians grow their own olives in certain parts of the country. One of the most respected growers is the Pukara Estate in the Upper Hunter Valley of New South Wales. The cool winters allow the olive trees to rest and recuperate before the long hot summer that follows and these climatic conditions, as well as the terrain, provide the perfect environment to grow premium quality olives.

Pukara Estate has won numerous respected awards around Australia for their products since 2003 which demonstrates their distinctive quality. They distribute their products throughout Australia to gourmet and fine food stockists, including the online gourmet and fine food shop Australian Tru Blue, where in a couple of clicks you can purchase a wide range of premium olive oils for every special dining occasion.

How to Sharpen a Knife Correctly For Beginners

How to sharpen a knife correctly for beginners

Sharpening a knife might seem fairly easy for most people. The truth is: if you are using the wrong tools with the wrong technique, you might end up damaging your knives in the long run. While it may not be “that” hard to accomplish, the task has to be done the right way.

In this tutorial, you will learn which tools are the best for this matter and the correct way to utilize them. If you are the kind of person who enjoy the pleasures of cooking, who possess an expensive collection of knives, and doesn't want his/her cutlery to be covered with ugly scratches or chips, then this tutorial is for you.

1.Which tools to use.

First of all, avoid all the tools designed to “make your life easier” and all the low quality sharpening devices. The tools I will show you are as fast as any other and will keep your cutlery in good shape if used correctly.

The water stone:

There are many kinds and sizes of stones available. The best way to make sure that you buy the right stone for your knife is to ask the seller and to bring your knife with you when purchasing. Once you have your stone, the first thing to do is to soak it for 10 to 20 minutes in water before use. Soaking time varies from stone to stone, refer to its instructions. You know when your stone is ready when water remains standing on the surface.

When the stone is ready, place it on a surface that won't be damaged by water or dirt. Then, with an angle of more or less 20 degrees ( depending on the edge of your knife: for a sharper knife use a smaller angle. But remember: a sharper edge means a more fragile knife), sharpen your knife with long and slow movements on your stone completely covering the length of the edge, while alternating sides after each movement. Use a ribbon or a piece of paper to check the sharpness of your knife.

The Sharpening Steel:

Unlike the water stone, the sharpening steel doesn't need to be immersed in water before use, and it does not get messy. I prefer this one as it is simpler to use, and safer for your blades. (The water stone tends to erode a knife faster.) Simply hold the sharpening steel pointing down and with the other hand, hold the blade cross ways against the steel (with the edge touching it) with a small angle. You will make slow movements pulling the blade towards you, rubbing the edge from to its start to its tip. Alternate each side of the knife after each movement. Repeat the process until the blade is sharp enough.

Conclusion: I personally use the sharpening steel, as it does not require as much precautions as the water stone, doesn't get messy and tends to treat your cutlery more nicely. It is a personal choice thought, you may want to experiment both to find the one you prefer. If you treat your knives with respect, if you always dry them out immediately after washing, if you always sharpen them slowly and carefully, and if you use the right knife for the right piece of food you are cutting, then a good cutlery should last well over 25 years.

I hope this tutorial was interesting, and above all, helpful. Have fun with your culinary creations, and remember to sharpen your knives often, because a sharp knife is safer for your finger tips...

The Fascinating Facts About Olive Oil

The production and manufacture of olive oil is graded by different processes which result in different levels of acidity.

There are well over 260 varieties of olive trees that bear fruit.

Among the most favorite variety are:


Several extra virgin olive oil brands contain a blend of several of these olive varieties. Some oils are of one-fruit extraction – solely. A quality olive oil will be stored in dark glass bottles. This helps to prevent oxidization which helps to prevent the loss of its valuable nutritional quality.

• Cold-pressed olive oil is the supreme of olive oils. This is the best way to have both chemical-free and low acid oil.

• Extra Virgin olive oil (EVOO) is cold pressed with a 1% of oleic acidity. This golden-green oil has the most flavor and aroma.

• Virgin olive oil is cold pressed.

• Olive oil, with an acidity between 1 to 3 %, are a combination of refined, virgin and extra virgin oils.

Light olive oil goes through a fine-filtration process. It is so called light because it is mixed mostly with canola oil. It maintains the same amount of calories as the other olive oils. Light olive oil is best used for deep-frying and mayonnaise production.

Virgin and Extra virgin olive oil are more suited to a low heat cooking. These oils make excellent salad dressings and roasts.

Caution is needed if you plan to deep fry with it. Cooking with olive oil requires specific attention. The oil is highly combustible at high temperatures and therefore loses its nutritional value. It will smoke quickly. It is suggested that a slice of stale bread will prevent it from burning. The bread will also help to keep the bitterness of the oil down.

It is easy to infuse this oil with different herbs and spices. This brings about a unique flavor. The infusion of the oil with herbs and spices were first done during the Olympic games.

Olive trees have millions of references. The first recorded history is in the book of Genesis in the Bible when the dove was release by Noah during the great flood and brought back and olive branch, signifying that there was dry land and God had delivered hope and forgiveness to mankind.

The Great Seal of America sports an olive branch. “The olive branch and the arrows signify the power of peace and war which is exclusively vested in Congress.” Charles Thomson. Equally significant are the two olive branches that enwreathe the United Nations emblem.

The beautiful Mediterranean olive groves inspired famous artists Cezanne, Matisse, Renoir and Vincent van Gogh. Jesus Christ was on the Mount of Olives when he was both arrested and later when he rose in his resurrection. These magnificent trees grow in Spain and add to the beautiful countryside and culture.

Olive oil has been burned through the centuries as our light and has been a wonderful source of food. To this very day olive oil is considered precious oil and is used by millions as a nutritional food source.

Health Benefits of Chocolates

Who does not like chocolates? Whatever forms chocolates may take – bar, drink, ice cream, or cake – many people find chocolates hard to resist. The delicious taste of chocolate satisfies most cravings. No wonder it is a popular gift Philippines because anyone would love to receive chocolates.

There’s a misconception when it comes to chocolates. Some people think that these must be bad for one’s health because it simply tastes too good. However, many studies have shown that chocolates actually have many health benefits. Below are some of these benefits so that you won’t feel guilty the next time you give chocolates as a gift Philippines.

* Chocolates stimulate the secretion of endorphins, which are the hormones responsible for giving someone the “runner’s high”. If eaten, they supposedly produce pleasurable sensation which is the reason why a bar of chocolate is very popular as a gift Philippines between two people who are dating.

* Chocolate releases serotonin. This hormone is a neurotransmitter that acts as an anti-depressant. It’s no wonder many people turn to chocolates whenever they feel down and depressed.

* Chocolates also have flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants like flavonoid help relax the blood pressure.

* Chocolates, particularly dark chocolates, can lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

* Chocolates are made from cacao, which contains antibacterial agents that fight tooth decay. However, still remember to brush your teeth after eating them because chocolates also have a high sugar content which could cause tooth decay.

* Chocolates, particularly a cup of hot chocolate, could diminish appetites if drank before a meal.

* Chocolates contain a number of nutrients. They are high in potassium, magnesium, and several vitamins like B1, B2, D, and E.

* Men who eat chocolates live a year longer than those who don’t

* Chocolates have been used by Mexican healers to treat bronchitis and insect bites.

Also, contrary to what many people might think, chocolates do not aggravate acne and they are not causative factors in acne, although they may trigger headaches in migraine sufferers.

So the next time you feel the need or urge to eat chocolates, keep in mind that in anything we consume, regulation is the key.

Chocolate Gifts

When we think of chocolate we visualize a beautifully packaged box of chocolates or a bar of our favorite brand of chocolate. What about liquid chocolate? Drinking chocolate made from pure chocolate is totally delicious. What could be nicer on a cold night than a mug of steaming hot chocolate? Hot chocolate and hot cocoa drinks come in various flavors as well. This is a comfort beverage that young and old can enjoy and is as delectable as any chocolate bar.

Chocolate can be traced way back in history – about two thousand years ago. The cacao trees grew in the rain forests and were an object of worship by the Mayan people – an ancient civilization. They believed these trees were of divine origin so they named them cacao, which means “food of the gods”. Even though they had not yet thought of sweetening the drink made from the cacao beans they knew that they had stumbled onto something good!

Only many years later someone thought of turning the cacao bean into delectable chocolate, as we know it today. The first chocolate was made in Switzerland and they are still known as the best chocolatiers in the world. There are many other countries that have caught up with them and delicious chocolates are available in most countries around the world. What usually makes chocolates different from country to country, are the ingredients of the centers.

Chocolate has been found to have many health benefits for both men and women. Cocoa contains trace elements and nutrients that are essential to good health. This is great news, as chocolates make the perfect gift for any occasion and for any age group!

The Buyers Guide to Champagne

Traditionally associated with special occasions, champagne is the drink of choice when it comes to wedding toasts. But as with wines, champagne varies with taste, appearance & price. When it comes to buying a bottle of bubbly is pays to know what to look for.

When would you like it?

You may serve champagne several times over the course of your wedding day - as a welcome drink when your guests arrive at the wedding reception & of course during the speeches & toasts. Choose it wisely & champagne is a good companion for fish & poultry dishes & you could serve it throughout the wedding breakfast if your budget will allow it.

What style of bubbles should you choose?

It is most likely that you will stick to serving champagne as a welcome drink & for the toasts, so you will probably only choose one label to serve both purposes. A brut (dry) variety with an even flavor would be a good choice & is likely to appeal to the majority of your guests. Rose champagne, with it’s delicate pink color will appeal to those who want a romantic feel. Make sure you have a tasting session before you splash on a large quantity of bottles for the wedding.

How much will everybody drink?

Deciding on how much you buy will depend on how many times you intend to serve it throughout the day. If you offer it as a welcome drink then one glass per head is sufficient, with a few extra for the more thirsty guests (there will be at least one!). If you serve canapes before the main meal & serve champagne again then it is best to count two glasses per person, for the toasts one glass will be adequate. As a guide one bottle of champagne will fill six glasses so allow half a bottle per person.

Where should you shop?

It always pays to shop around both on the high street & online. Supermarkets & wine merchants will often provide appealing incentives when buying by the case so compare every offer to find the one that suits you best.

What if your venue supplies champagne?

Most venues will offer champagne on their wine list so it is worth asking if they can offer you a good deal or if it is too pricey, ask if you can supply your own & what the corkage charge will be. Beware of the corkage charge being as expensive as the champagne at the local wine merchants, in which case you are probably as well taking the venues offer. If you want to serve a particular label & the venue doesn’t provide it, it is worth asking if they can buy it in for you & how much they would charge to do this.

How much should you spend per bottle?

The amount you spend is really down to your own personal choice & the amount you want or can afford to spend. As with all aspects of your wedding you should set a budget for your champagne. Remember champagne will cost more per bottle than a bottle of wine & expect to pay upwards of $15 per bottle for non-vintage varieties. Your venue will probably have a good mark up on this price so bear that in mind.

How should you serve it?

Champagne should always be served chilled otherwise you will fail to enjoy it at it’s best. As soon as possible after purchase store it somewhere cool & away from light sources. Remember it should be served chilled & not iced. When it comes to the day itself place each bottle in a bucket of water & ice to chill it or you can place them in a fridge the night before. To open a bottle of champagne undo the wire cage over the cork but don’t remove it, hold the cork & cage firmly & turn the bottle until the cork pops out.

What’s the alternative?

Champagne can only be called ‘champagne’ if it comes from the champagne region of France, but there are plenty of other sparkling wine alternatives which are as good but cost less per bottle than champagne. Cava from Spain is a excellent alternative or look to the new world for some lovely sparkling wines.

History of Italian Cheese

Cheese has been around for at least 8000 years. It has been a great way to preserve the nutritional value of milk, and also tends to taste very good. Cheese has its origins in the Middle East. People were renowned for their cheese making skills. The Roman Empire adopted cheese and refined the process of making cheese into a fine art. They had separate kitchens solely for making cheese, and centers where people could bring cheese to get it smoked.

As the Roman Empire spread through Europe, the secrets of making cheese spread with it. After the collapse of the empire, cheese making regions became isolated, and developed their own unique types of cheeses. The dark ages were a time of little innovation as far as cheese making was concerned, as well. While monks kept the tradition alive through the middle ages, cheese became less popular, as it was considered unhealthy.

However, that changed in the early 19th century. The move towards industrialization brought a renewed interest in cheese, and factories began producing it. Pasteurization, the process of sterilizing milk, helped popularize cheese, as it was thought of as more healthy. Until the 20th century, cheese had always been considered a specialty food. Due to the ability to mass produce it, cheese has became a staple of most diets. It has also flourished in the types available. Italy alone has almost four hundred varieties of cheese.

Italian cheeses can be found at a number of local retailers in your area.

Whether you use mozzarella on a homemade pizza, Fontina in a fondue pot or Gorgonzola after dinner with a red wine the development of Italian cheeses have added character, taste and richness to most everyday diets. Cheese, like most aspects of life, should be enjoyed in moderation – but if so it can be a healthy way to enjoy a bit of Italian history.

How Long To Cook A Baked Potato

How Long To Cook A Baked Potato In A Conventional Oven (Regular Oven)

1. When you are baking potatoes, try to use russets (these are the best kind for baking) or other regularly shaped starchy potatoes.
2. Scrub well and pierce the ends with a fork or skewer so steam can escape.
3. For crisp skins, rub lightly with oil. For more tender skins, leave dry.
4. Place on sheet pans or on sheet pan racks in a preheated 400 degrees F oven and bake until done. This should be about a hour. To test doneness, squeeze gently. Done potatoes will give in to gentle pressure. (using sheet pan racks eliminates the hard spot that forms where the potato is in contact with the sheet pan)
5. Remove from oven.

To hold for service, keep warm and uncovered so the potatoes will not be made soggy by trapped steam. Hold no more than 1 hour, if possible.

It is important to note there was nothing said about wrapping potatoes in foil. Foil wrapped potatoes do not bake, they steam in their own moisture. The texture of a steamed potato is entirely different from a baked potato. So save yourself the trouble, work, and expense of wrapping the potatoes in foil paper and make better baked potatoes.

How Long To Cook A Baked Potato In A Microwave

1. Wash the potato, and pierce with a knife once or twice all the way through.
2. Place in the microwave on a paper towel or plate. Plates do not stick to the potato.
3. Try to cook about 4 at a time.
4. 4 small potatoes = 7 minutes, 4 large potatoes = 10 to 11 minutes (microwave oven times vary)
5. If only one potato is being put in the microwave, when using a 1200 watt microwave, set the timer to 3:00 for a very small potato, set it to 4:30 for a medium-sized potato, and set it to 6:00 for a large potato. Huge potatoes will require 7 to 8 minutes.

Let the potato stand for five minutes. This will allow the inside of the potato to finish cooking with hot steam that is trapped inside.After waiting, cut open the potato and garnish with your choice of toppings.

Some microwaves have a baked potato button.

How Long To Cook A Baked Potato On A Grill

1. Wash and scrub the potato well.
2. Pierce the potatoes with a fork or skewer so steam can escape.
3. Baste the potatoes with oil or butter.
4. Place the potatoes on a hot grill and sear them on all sides.
5. When the potatoes give in to pressure easily when touched, there ready to eat.

Baking the potato on a grill is probably the fastest way to achieve baked potatoes (next to baking them in or on an open fire. Another way to grill a potato is to par-cook the potatoes first. This method cuts down on the cooking time on the grill.

How To Brew Coffee

The following general rules apply to all brewing methods.

To get the best tasting drink, you should start with a ratio of two tablespoons of ground coffee per 6 ounces of water and adjust to your taste. Use the best possible water available. Tap water should be free of any strange flavors, odors or textures. If it is not, then use filtered or bottled water. Avoid distilled or softened water since some minerals are essential to coffee flavor. Tap water should be cold and allowed to run for a few seconds to aerate it before it goes into a maker or water kettle.

Water should be heated to just below boiling (200 degrees F.). For drip brewers, the brew cycle should be completed in 4-6 minutes. Other good methods are the “French Press” and “Vacuum pot” which brew in about 4 minutes. Avoid percolators and electric pots with brew cycles that take longer than 6 minutes. These will over-extract the coffee and cause bitterness.

Serve brewed coffee within 30 minutes or store it in a “thermal” or insulated carafe. Coffee will remain fresh and tasty in this kind of container for 45 – 60 minutes. Coffee that has been left exposed to air or left on a hot burner deteriorates rapidly. To keep coffee warm, “prime” a thermal carafe by pre-filling it with hot water ahead of time, then emptying it of the warming water and filling it with the freshly made coffee. This method also works to warm up cold ceramic mugs.

There is no purpose in re-pouring or re-perking brewed coffee through spent grounds. Any desirable flavor elements have already been extracted. Only bitter oils remain.

Re-heating brewed coffee — even in a microwave — breaks down coffee’s many delicate components, leaving only a warm beverage with a poor flavor.

The ideal size of coffee package to buy is the amount that will get used within a week.

How should large pots of coffee be brewed?

A critical first step before using any big coffee makers and urns is cleaning. They must be thoroughly washed out and rinsed after each use. Without proper cleaning, coffee sediments and oils settle on their inside surfaces. With exposure to air these leftovers grow stale. In time, this built-up material will produce bitter, unpleasant tasting coffee.

When it is time to prepare a batch of coffee, carefully measure both the coffee and the water. Each 2.5 oz. “pillow pack” package will make 12 cups of coffee. Use two packages for a 24-cup maker. Use a 12-oz. bag for a 60-cup maker. It is fine to measure out cold water into the pot the evening before coffee is to be served. But for the best flavor, open and pour ground coffee into the maker’s basket just before brewing. Avoid percolators with brew cycles longer than 6 minutes since they will over-extract the coffee and cause bitterness.

Any unused ground coffee should be stored in an airtight container. But for the best results, only open the amount needed each week. For offices, we recommend the purchase of sealed pillow-packs that will stay fresh for six months until they are opened. The less time coffee spends exposed to air before brewing, the better tasting the coffee will be.

If possible, drink freshly brewed coffee within 30 minutes, or decant it into a preheated air pot or thermos. Freshly brewed coffee in this kind of container will remain at peak flavor for up to an hour.

Romantic Date Night at Home

Lobster is well known around the world as a lavish, romantic meal. If you’ve never tried staying in and cooking lobster one night for a date night, you’re missing out on a fun evening. Here is how to boil a live lobster and prepare a spectacular date night in the comfort of your home.

First, set the mood for the evening by setting the table like a five-star restaurant. A tablecloth, your finest china, and lots of candles will help turn your table from every day to fabulous. Floating candles give a beautiful ambience and are especially appropriate for seafood dinners like lobster. Flowers or petals sprinkled on the table can add an extra dose of extravagance. Your favorite music playing softly in the background will turn your home into a private dining haven.

Then, it’s time to prepare the lobster. Bring a pot of water to a high boil. If you like, you can add spices or lemons to the water as well. Make sure your lobster is still alive, for it may not cook properly if it is already dead. Carefully clip the rubber bands off the lobster. Pick up the lobster, using a kitchen towel if you wish, and place head first in the boiling water.

For those of you who are a bit squeamish about killing a lobster, his brain is the size of a grasshopper and is not formulated to feel pain. If you don’t mind stepping on a bug, you shouldn’t mind killing a lobster. If you do, have your significant other put it in the water.

Cover the lobster and boil for fifteen minutes (for a one to two pound lobster). The lobster shell will turn bright red and the tail will curl when the lobster is done. How can you tell if it is cooked properly? Try tugging off one of the small walking legs. When the lobster is cooked it will come off easily. The meat inside the lobster will be firm, white, and opaque. To be completely sure, use a meat thermometer to measure the internal temperature of the lobster. It should be at 180 degrees.

Lemon butter is delicious with lobster, however if you are on a diet you can try mixing honey mustard, olive oil, and a little lemon juice for a succulent substitute. To drink with your meal, white wines offset the rich taste of lobster best. You could stop here and have a luxurious dinner, or you can add a simple salad and breadsticks for a truly abundant meal. Knowing that you made a restaurant-quality meal to be enjoyed quietly with your loved one will make your delicious lobster taste even better.

What Is Bartending?

A bartender is someone who serves beverages behind a licensed bar to paying customers. A bartender can also be called a barkeep or a barmaid. Bartenders are found in bars, pubs, taverns, nightclubs and other such places.

The bartender mixes and serves drinks, and the majority of drinks a bartender is making contain alcohol, such as beer, wine, liquor, liqueur, coolers and cocktails. They also serve water, juice, pop and other non-alcoholic beverages for customers who do not wish to drink alcohol such as a designated driver or a non drinker. As well as make and serve drinks, the bartender is also responsible for taking payment for drinks (either from customers, waiters or waitresses), keep the liquor supplies and glassware stocked, keep the bar area clean, maintain enough ice and garnishes on hand and serve food to customers sitting at the bar. Often, the bartender is expected to dress appropriately to add to the atmosphere of the bar.

In some establishments, the bar tender might participate in flair bartending, which contributes to the entertainment in the bar. Bartenders are expected to be able to mix hundreds of types of drinks to please any paying customer in a quick, accurate and unwasteful fashion. In some establishments, such as a busy nightclub, the bartender is only expected to serve the customer a drink and nothing else. In a smaller place such as a tavern however, the bartender might be expected to be a good listener, and allow the customers to have a shoulder to cry on.

All bartenders should be friendly however, and enjoy having contact and communication with customers. Good bartenders have a way of attracting regular customers. Good bartenders like this will remember the favoured drink of regular customers, have drink recommendations on hand or recommendations for other bars, as well as several other unofficial duties. In most countries, tipping is expected of the customer, and this is how the bartender gets the majority of his income, as most bar tenders are paid minimum wage.

In some places, minors are allowed in bars, and it is the bartenders responsibility to check for identification before serving them alcohol. If this sounds like a lot of work, with not much reward, look on the bright side. You're working at an establishment that serves gallons of liquor each day, and your in charge of it. What better way to get drunk for free?

High Energy Foods: Eating Your Way To Unlimited Energy

Since we live in such a fast-paced world, it’s not surprising that we rely on high energy foods to help us get through the day. Unfortunately, a lot of us unwittingly fall for misleading advertisements and end up making the wrong food purchases. Energy bars and drinks are not exactly the healthiest choices.

Why go for these commercialized and artificial products when you can go for the real deal high energy foods? These foods are natural and won’t even cost you a lot. If you’re ready to trade your tin foil wrapped calorie junk for something healthier, read on!

1) Skip the Caffeine.

Coffee is a daily staple in people’s mornings. However, if you’re keen on switching to high energy foods, I suggest you exchange your steaming cup of caffeine for a nice, refreshing glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice instead.

For starters, coffee is not that great. It dehydrates your body and encourages mood swings. Natural fruit juice, on the other hand, contains enzymes that make digestion easier and allow the body to produce more energy faster. Citrus juices, in particular, are excellent sources of Vitamin C which help drive tiredness away.

2) Bean There, Done That.

Beans are an excellent example of high energy foods. They are rich in protein that is responsible for giving you energy, and fiber that lowers your cholesterol.

A lot of people tend to avoid beans though because they’re known for causing gas. But then again, you don’t have to have beans for breakfast, lunch and dinner every single day.

If you’re new to beans, eat them on a day when you’re not needed anywhere important. You can either eat them alone or add them to your favorite recipes.

3) Yogurt for Dessert.

If you need your dessert fix, try eating yogurt. As one of the high energy foods, it helps convert nutrients into energy; and it contains calcium, protein and vitamin B 12 which are very good for the body. There are also live microorganisms in it that help strengthen your body’s natural defenses. A lot of people like eating yogurt because it not only has a lot of benefits, it also tastes pretty good.

So the next time you visit the supermarket, be more conscious about what you put in your grocery cart. Now is the time for eating healthy and high energy foods. Stay away from junk food. Your choices are entirely your own. If you want to improve your life, start with one healthy food at a time.


I am going to talk about bananas today! This is a fruit that I consume each and every day. I have been trying to watch my figure and eat healthy. I have been making "smoothies" to go along with breakfast or lunch to also help give me a little energy boost as I have been trying to cut back on my coffee addiction. You'd be surprised how easy they are to make, and they are so good! All you need is a blender! So if you were wondering what to do with your bananas when they get too ripe, other than throwing them away or making banana bread, this is a great solution.

I freeze the fruit first, as this makes them blend smoother than just using ice. I take zipper lockable freezer baggies and put two bananas in each one, a ripe pear, and a hand full of strawberries or blueberries. When ready to make the smoothie, I put one of the bags in the microwave for about 60 seconds, just enough to defrost it quickly, keeping it partially frozen. Place into your blender, add a container of plain, vanilla or whatever flavor yogurt you might like, then fill the blender half way up with cranberry juice, puree, and wallah!

Now talking about other uses for bananas, I am sure some of you heard the story a few weeks back about the seventeen year old that attempted to rob a cafe in North Carolina. For those of you who didn't, it turns out that the "robber" held a banana under his jacket pretending he had a gun! The brave cafe owner tackled him down! I do not know what he was thinking, but he ate the banana before the cops arrived minus the peel which is now police evidence!

Most little business owners don't get as lucky unfortunately. I myself am one that learns from the mistakes of others. If you yourself are a business owner, or a homeowner for that matter, now's a good time to evaluate the security of yourself and your possessions given these incidences that we're hearing about in the news each and every single day. A complete video surveillance system is definitely the way to go!

Ten Things You Never Knew About Licorice

o It's called 'Panda' Licorice because licorice roots are a real panda's favourite snack.

o Celebrity licorice devotees include Tom Hanks, Lindsay Lohan, Brad Pitt, Anne Hathaway, Kevin Spacey, Madonna and experimental TV chef Heston Blumenthal.

o The British Army issued licorice bars to all its soldiers during the Second World War after they discovered Japanese troops fighting in the jungle used it to quench their thirst. Hannibal also gave it to his 'war elephants' to give them enough energy to carry him and his army across the Alps.

o British soldiers fighting the Taliban in Helmund Province, Afghanistan, had shipments of Panda Licorice bars helicoptered into their base because it is so popular with the troops.

o The Shoe that Charlie Chaplin famously ate in the legendary silent movie The Tramp was made of licorice.

o In Pontefract, West Yorkshire, in July, you will find the annual Licorice Carnival. There is even a licorice queen crowned with a licorice crown. She will wear licorice clothes and bedazzle visitors with licorice jewels. You can buy a licorice plant to take home with you, and there is even a licorice cheese made here.

o In the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy the Orcs have black blood, so it was only natural that the inside of their mouths should not be pink but black as well. To achieve this, the Orc actors had to swill a licorice-based mouthwash prior to each of their scenes.

o Rabbits absolutely love licorice - but it is very bad for them because they cannot digest it properly.

o The licorice plant is officially classed as a 'legume', which means it is related to beans and peas. Licorice on toast anybody?

o In James Bond movie "Moonraker", when villain 'Jaws' bites the cable car line, it was actually made of licorice.

Cherry Concentrate and Cherry Concentrate with Omega3

Cherry Essentials brand cherry concentrate and cherry concentrate with Omega 3 essential fatty acids, are antioxidant powerhouses loaded with phytonutrients such as anthocyanins, quercitin and other antioxidant compounds as well as the sleep inducing chemical melatonin. Anthocyanins, antioxidants typically found in red, blue and purple fruits and vegetables have been shown to reduce cardiac risk factors and the consequences of diabetes. Made with Montmorency cherries, our concentrates are also loaded in vitamins such as beta-carotene, C and E as well as minerals.

With Our Cherry Essentials Concentrate, we offer a delicious tasting Cherry concentrate made from tart Montmorency cherries, that can easily be diluted in water and offers nearly twice the anti-oxidant potential of blueberries! Each 30 ml serving delivers 5210 ORAC units (compared to blueberries at 2750 units) which have been shown to slow the aging process, help to quench free radical damage, while contributing to your 5-a-day servings of fruit and vegetables recommended by health care professionals. Cherry Essentials Concentrate has been shown to reduce inflammatory reactions in the body, helping to alleviate both gout and arthritis pain. In addition, Cherry Concentrate is low in sugar, making it useful for diabetics, eager to include these terrific health benefits in a delicious beverage.

Our Cherry Essential Cherry Concentrate with Omega 3 oils, provides the anti-inflammatory benefits of fish oils to the powerful antioxidant properties of Cherry Concentrate in one delicious, easy to drink concentrate. Omega 3 essential fatty acids have been shown to reduce total body inflammation, easing the pain of arthritis, while contributing to a healthy heart by promoting proper circulation and reducing the inflammatory response associated with heart disease. In addition, Omega 3 essential fatty acids have been shown to improve mood and stress levels through their ability to promote serotonin production. Combined with the melatonin properties of Cherry Concentrate, our Cherry Omega Concentrate can help promote a tranquil mind and contribute to an overall sense of wellbeing.

Montmorency Cherries are a valuable nutritional resource to help slow the aging process, and promote a healthy heart all while helping you get a good nights sleep from its rich source of melatonin.

Cherry Essentials values your health and distributes quality products targeted to meet your nutritional needs. With Our Cherry Essentials Omega Concentrate, we offer a delicious tasting Cherry and Omega 3 essential fatty acid concentrate that can easily be diluted in water. Each 30 ml (one ounce) serving delivers 5210 ORAC antioxidant units along with 75mg of DHA & EPA, a valuable source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids, a helping dose to reduce the risk of heart disease and help control inflammatory pathways in the body. The 30ml dose of cherry has been shown to slow the aging process, help to quench free radical damage, while contributing to your 5-a-day serving of fruit and vegetables recommended by health care professionals as part of a healthy diet. Our Cherry Omega Concentrate would also be a valuable nutritional adjunct for the diabetic patient, helping to reduce insulin resistance.

Simply mix 30ml, which is the equivalent of two tablespoons, to 240 - 270ml of water and enjoy. Your body, as well as your taste buds, will thank you.

What You Didn't Know about Water- The Facts

We all think we know the score when it comes to water. It's a taste-less liquid that is the healthiest drinkable fluids about because it contains minerals and has no traces of unwanted chemicals found in flavourings and colourings (aside from the flavoured waters you can purchase). The more you drink (water that is) the more energetic you feel and the healthier you are. Water stops you getting dehydrated. Most of us are dehydrated because we don't drink the recommended daily amount (6-8 glasses a day). The above seems to be the long and the short of what we know about water. That, however, is not the half of it. In fact, it's only the very tip of the ice burg. Here is a brief list of facts about water that those of you not in the know may find useful, or at the very least, interesting. You'll be surprised to discover just how fascinating this transparent liquid we know as water, really is.

1- There is actually the same amount of water on earth as there was at the beginning of time when the earth was first formed. That means, the water from your faucet could contain molecules that the Dinosaurs drank!

2- 75% of the brain is water, which is equal to the percentage of water in a living tree!97% (or thereabouts) of the world's water is salty or undrinkable.

3- 97% (or thereabouts) of the world's water is salty or undrinkable 2% of of the world's water is locked in ice caps or glaciers.

4- Only 1% of all the water in the world is used for all of humanity's agricultural, communal, residential, manufacturing needs

5- 2% of of the world's water is locked in ice caps or glaciers.

6- Water expands by roughly 9% when it freezes, and moreover frozen water (aka ice) is lighter than water, which is why it floats.

Coffee And The Various Legends On Its Origin

I love coffee; this could be the title of the next best seller for all the employees. Hours spent waiting for the beloved coffee-break, to relax and collect energy again. There are a lot of legends and curiosities on the creation of this miraculous beverage.

The most well-known is probably the one coming from the Chehodet monastery in Yemen. The legend tells that monks, having learned from a shepherd that his goats were lively even at night, if they eat certain berries, they decided to prepare a beverage with these berries that enabled them to stay awake the night. Another legend is about Mohammad, who one day when he was feeling bad, received the visit of the Archangel Gabriel, sent by Allah with a miraculous beverage. The beverage was dark as the Sacred Black Stone of the Mecca, commonly called “qawa”. Mohammed drank it, suddenly revived and left again for new exploits. Maybe for us the coffee of the drinks dispenser does not have the same effect, but surely at least can give us the energy for some hours of tough work.

The most famous story tells, however, that in Arabia a shepherd named Kaddi, having grazed his goats, appalled noticed that, after eating the berries of a spontaneous plant, showed signed of excitement. The shepherd, failing to explain what happened, submitted the problem to the old Abbot Yahia. The abbot, sensing the properties of the plant, created a bitter and full of heat drink, that warming the body, could invigorate it, freeing it from sleep and tiredness. That is exactly the same drink that we can taste every day in bar of in the office.

A similar legend says, instead, that coffee was discovered by an Imam in an Arabic monastery; the Imam prepared a decoction and let all the monks taste it, who stayed awake without problems all night long. Another story says that an Arabic monk, the sheikh Ali ben Omar, that was alone during a trip to Moka, a city in which he was accompanying his master Schadeli, who died during the journey. An angel appeared, he was encouraged to continue toward the city where a terrible plague raged. Here, with his prayers to Allah, he was able to heal many sick people and even the daughter of the King, who he fell in love with. But the King decided to make him move away, and the monk, obliged to live in the lonely of the mountain, to satisfy his hunger and thirsty, had to ask for the help of his Master, who send him a wonderful bird with colored feather and an enchanting song. Aroused and relieved by the melodious sing, Omar came near to admire the bird and arrived there, he saw a tree covered with white flowers and red fruits: the coffee plant. He took some berries and made a decoction with healthy virtues that he often offered to pilgrims who came to his shelter. When the news spread of the magical quality of the drink, the monk was welcomed back in the kingdom with great honors.

Coffee is a beverage of ancient and enchanting past, that has not lost its fascination even if now we can find it everywhere. Coffee is still an inseparable companion of our days, with its priceless virtues which make it still irreplaceable.

Foods that Make You Sleepy: Are You Eating These Foods That Put You To Sleep?

You know you didn’t stay out late last night and you even managed a full eight hours of sleep. So why are you yawning like you pulled an all-nighter? Although lack of sleep has often been tagged as the culprit behind sleepiness, it might not be the one to blame this time around. Try to remember what you had for breakfast or lunch. They might be included in the list of foods that make you sleepy.

While foods are meant to give you nourishment, there are some which make you crash and burn at the worst possible times. Below are the foods that make you sleepy.

1) High Sugar Foods

It’s pretty amusing how readily available foods high in sugar are. There’s chocolate in the fridge, cake from your co-worker’s birthday party and those sweets you just popped in your mouth.

The problem with sugary foods though is that they bring you down just as quickly as they bring you up. The sugar speeds up your metabolism and as a result, makes you sleepy. It might boost your energy at first; but believe me, that’s not going to last very long.

And don’t forget that sugar doesn’t only manifest in your favorite desserts. Some of the sauces and condiments you use could also contain high doses of sugar. If you want to have something sweet, I suggest going for fruits instead as they are less likely to put you to sleep.

2) Foods That Are Full Of Fats

Foods that are high in fat definitely fall into the foods that make you sleepy category. The more fat your food has, the stronger its knock out power. This is because your body finds it challenging to break fat down.

Did you know that fat approximately takes six to eight hours to digest? And all that time, your blood goes to your stomach to aid with digestion, leaving your arms and legs wanting and your body feeling a little sleepy.

For a lot of people, red meat usually induces a significant drop in energy. Fried foods are also known to have high fat content. For me, that means limiting the amount of French fries I can order.

3) Alcohol

Stuff with alcohol is considered one of the foods that make you sleepy. Alcohol itself is enough to send you packing to your bed. According to medical experts, alcohol acts as an effective sedative. In regular doses, alcohol serves as a muscle relaxant. Drinking more than you can handle, however, will only spell a restless night for you.

There are certain foods that make you sleepy and others that give you high energy. The examples mentioned above might be responsible for your sudden lethargic state. However, if you’re actually trying to get some sleep, keep in mind that these foods are not exactly the healthy solution either. It’s always best to consult a doctor.

The 9 Different Types of Whipped Cream

There are many different types of whipped cream available in the marketplace. When we go shopping to buy a cream for our homemade whipped cream recipe, we are most likely to face so many confusing choices such as “half & half cream”, “whipping cream”, “pasteurized and ultra-pasteurized cream”. The numerous terminologies of the types of cream give us the difficulty of what cream to purchase. Also we often don’t know the differences between these creams and its purposes.

In this article, we are going to discuss the 9 types of whipped cream. In the dairy industry, there are a number of cream products but we will only discuss the most common choices of the customers. The creams are classified based from the percentage of fat content and its purposes and uses. In buying a cream, it is important to take a look at its fat content because it is significant in identifying its uses.

9 Different Types of Cream

Half & Half Cream is a mixture of ½ milk and ½ cream. This type of cream contains about 10.5% to 18% of fat; typically used as coffee cream. The half & half cream can also serve as a substitute for heavy whipping cream in making recipes with less fat diet.

Single cream also known as light cream has 20% fat content. This cream does not whip well. It is best used in sweet and savory dishes. Single cream is also called as light cream.

Light cream, with a fat content of not less than 18% and not more than 30%, can be a substitute for single cream. It is also used as a coffee cream like other types of cream. It has almost the same components and uses with single cream.

Whipping Cream has 30% butterfat. This type of cream takes longer to create a great volume of whipped cream. It is not stable and does not whip well. It is good for toppings and fillings.

Heavy Cream a.k.a. Heavy Whipping Cream is the best type of cream. It whips well, whips fluffier and creates about four times the original quantity of cream. It has around 36 to 48% butter fat content.

Double cream contains around 48% of fat or more. It is a rich type of cream that is easy to over whip.

Clotted cream has 55% to 60% fat content. It is also known as the Devonshire cream because it is usually served with Devonshire teas. The Devonshire cream is ideal for fillings and toppings in holiday treats such as cakes, pies and pastries. It can also be used as a regular cream.

Crème Fraiche is usually included in sauces and soups; also works well as toppings in treats. This type of cream is stable and has a much refined flavor thus valued by the food experts. It has a slightly tangy, nutty flavor and velvety rich texture produced by adding lactic acid to a regular cream and stored under controlled conditions.

Pasteurized and Ultra-pasteurized: Ultra-pasteurized cream stays longer for more than a month than pasteurized cream. Ultra-pasteurized cream has undergone the procedure of heating that kills bacteria and enzymes that usually cause the cream not to stay longer. However, pasteurized cream is better (than ultra-pasteurized) in flavor, volume and stability though ultra-pasteurized can still be used as a substitute it is not available.

Canberra wines and wineries

Canberra wines and wineries are fast acquiring a name as being some of the best wines across the world. Although, Australian wine production is still a relatively new phenomenon compared to other parts of the world, however the quality of wines is up there with the best. What sets Canberra wines apart from other wine-producing regions of Australia is the fact that it provides an ideal environment for certain strains of grape, such as the Riesling variety.

The Riesling strain of grapes is originally a German variety of white wine grape but has now become a mainstay of the Canberra grape growing regions.

Shaw Vineyard Estate was set up in 1998 on "Olleyville", a seven hundred acre fine wool producing property established in the mid 1800's. This historic property is located in Murrumbateman along the Barton Highway between Canberra and Yass. Shaw Vineyard Estate is a family owned and operated business, with the vineyard being developed under a community title investment and subscribed to by outside growers with the Shaw family holding the majority of the community lots.

The property's elevation at around 640 metres above sea level is higher than most other vineyards in the Murrumbateman area. The high elevation and sloping profile of the land helps mitigate against potential frost damage by allowing good air drainage over the property. The property has approximately 85 acres under vines, varieties of which are Riesling, Semillon, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Shiraz. Wines produced from Shaw Vineyard Estate grapes have already won 7 Trophies and several Gold, Silver and Bronze throughout various wine shows across Australia and Internationally.

How to Keep Meat Fresh The Natural Way

A lot of special attention and extra care is needed to keep meat fresh and make sure that it maintains a high quality and remains wholesome. Two different groups of bacteria affect refrigerated meats; spoilage bacteria makes food go bad and causes odor in the refrigerator and pathogenic bacteria makes us sick. Unfortunately, sight, taste and smell won’t tell us whether meat contains pathogenic bacteria, whereas spoilage bacteria are quite easy to detect.

In a refrigerated state, spoilage bacteria thrives. The fact that all food in a refrigerator eventually spoils proves this. Spoiled food doesn’t make you sick, it might taste bad but unless it contains pathogenic bacteria, your digestive system will be fine. Unrefrigerated meat, if left out on the counter for a few hours, might smell and look okay, but may be loaded with pathogenic bacteria. This contamination usually happens during cutting and processing. These bacteria require certain conditions to grow; a very low acidity level (near neutral pH) within the meat; a supply of water or other moisture, for example meat juices, or a warm temperature, usually somewhere between 45° and 127°F.

There are five basic meat types, each one requiring special storage techniques. They are cooked, frozen, fresh, cured and canned meat.

Cooked meats should be used within a week of preparation, or properly frozen and wrapped for use later.

Meat can be kept for longer periods of time if it is frozen at -10°F or below. After it is frozen, maintain the temperature at 0°F or lower. Most side-by-side and chest-type freezers can maintain this temperature while most ice compartments in refrigerators cannot, so it is not recommended to store meat in this compartment.

Try to limit freezer storage time on all meats to maintain their quality and freshness. Freezing meat won’t improve the quality, but it will retain its natural color, texture, nutritional value and flavor.

Refrigerate fresh meats at temperatures of 38° to 40°F for as long as possible.

Fresh meat should be stored in the coldest part of the refrigerator, this in usually towards the back, away from the door. If it is to be used within two days, leave the meat in its original wrapping. If it is to be stored longer, rewrap the meat in freezer wrap and freeze.

Cured, smoked, and ready-to-eat meats include bacon, ham, sausage products and smoked pork. The heat, processing and smoking of these items inactivates most enzymes and bacteria. These products should remain in their original wrapping to prevent any further contamination. After opening, most cured meat will stay fresh for approximately a week in the refrigerator and should be stored in airtight containers to prevent odors in the fridge. Luncheon meats should not be frozen.

There are two varieties of canned meat, some require refrigeration, like hams, and some don’t, like corned beef, chili con carne and dried meats.

Storage suggestions for cooked, fresh and processed meats

Meat in the Refrigerator

Ground beef, veal, and lamb - 1 to 2 days
Ground pork - 1 to 2 days
Sausage, fresh pork - 1 week
Veal (fresh) - 2 to 4 days
Beef (fresh) - 2 to 4 days
Lamb (fresh) - 2 to 4 days
Pork (fresh) - 2 to 4 days
Luncheon meats - 1 week
Smoked ham, whole - 1 week
Ham slices - 3 to 4 days
Sausage, smoked - 3 to 7 days
Sausage, dry & semi-dry (unsliced) - 2 to 3 weeks
Bacon - 5 to 7 days
Stews (cooked) - 3 to 4 months
Meat pies (cooked) - Not recommended
Swiss steak (cooked) - Not recommended
Leftover cooked meat - 1 week
Prepared meat dinners - Not recommended
Beef, corned - 1 week
Frankfurters - 4 to 5 days
Refrigerator should be 36 to 40°F

Meat in the Freezer

Ground beef, veal, and lamb - 3 to 4 months
Ground pork - 1 to 3 months
Sausage, fresh pork - 60 days
Veal (fresh) - 6 to 9 months
Beef (fresh) - 6 to 12 months
Lamb (fresh) - 6 to 9 months
Pork (fresh) - 3 to 6 months
Luncheon meats - Not recommended
Smoked ham, whole - 60 days
Ham slices - 60 days
Sausage, smoked - Not recommended
Sausage, dry & semi-dry (unsliced) - Not recommended
Bacon - 1 month
Stews (cooked) - 3 to 4 months
Meat pies (cooked) - 3 months
Swiss steak (cooked) - 3 months
Leftover cooked meat - 2 to 3 months
Prepared meat dinners - 2 to 6 months
Beef, corned - 2 weeks
Frankfurters - 4 to 5 days

Freezer should be 0°F or lower

The most effective product available to keep meat fresh is called eggstrafresh™. It will save you hundreds of dollars per year by providing increased freshness of all of your foods. Using eggstrafresh™ will make your food last 3-5 times longer, and it is environmentally safe and does not release any gases or odors, simply place one in your fridge and one in your pantry.

The Natural Way to Keep Dairy Fresh

It has always been hard to keep dairy fresh, but there are quite a few ways to extend the shelf life of dairy products, along with many other foods. These are some very useful suggestions;

There are a few easy ways to help keep milk fresh, first make sure to keep it and all dairy products refrigerated at temperatures less than 40º F. Keep milk away from strong smelling foods as much as possible. After opening, add a pinch of salt to help keep milk fresher. Milk should always be stored on the shelves of the refrigerator, as opposed to the door, since the temperature fluctuations are the most in the door.

Keep butter tightly wrapped, this will slow down rancidity, which speeds up when exposed to air or light, this also helps to prevent it from picking up odors. Wrapped butter keeps fresh in the refrigerator for several months.

To keep eggs fresh, start by always buying grade "A" eggs, which are the highest quality, freshest eggs. The color of eggshells has nothing to do with flavor, nutritional value or quality, but rather it is determined by the breed of hen! At the grocery store, pack the eggs with frozen items, which will keep them cold longer. Store them in the original carton in the refrigerator, this will protect them from absorbing the odors and flavors of other foods, especially strong-smelling foods like cheese, cabbage or onions. Always keep cooked foods separated from raw foods when refrigerated. The FDA recommends keeping eggs a maximum of 5 weeks in your refrigerator. One way to help eggs keep longer is to put vegetable oil or olive oil on a paper towel and coat the egg shell well. Since egg shells are porous to allow air in and out, the oil will help to prevent air from penetrating the shell. To test the freshness of an egg, put it in a bowl of cold water. If it's fresh, it will sink and if it floats it is old! Only do this when you plan on cooking the egg since the water will wash away the protective layer on the egg that helps to prevent bacteria from getting in. A general rule of thumb is that raw whole eggs should be used by the "Best Before" date, raw yolks or whites should be used within 2 to 4 days and hard boiled eggs in the shell should be used within 1 week.

To keep cheese fresh, it should be stored in a warmer part of the fridge. Cheese industry experts suggest you use the bottom vegetable crisper to store cheese. In general, hard cheeses like Swiss and Cheddar last longer than softer cheeses, like Feta or Brie. After opening, Swiss and Cheddar should last 24-28 days in the fridge, whereas softer cheeses last 5-7 days. Any mold on the cheese can be removed, simply cut off about ½ an inch and the remaining cheese can be eaten. Cheese should not be wrapped too tightly, so try to use waxed paper or aluminum foil. Another way of keeping cheese longer is to put it in a ziploc bag with a paper towel that has been soaked in white vinegar.

Out of the many products on the market that can extend the shelf life of foods, there is only one that works on all foods, including dairy products, it is called eggstrafresh™. It is a revolutionary breakthrough in food preservation that is scientifically proven to retain moisture and dramatically reduce oxidation helping to keep dairy fresh. eggstrafresh™ even improves the taste, texture, flavor and even the natural color of dairy products.