
Saturday, July 18, 2009
I am going to talk about bananas today! This is a fruit that I consume each and every day. I have been trying to watch my figure and eat healthy. I have been making "smoothies" to go along with breakfast or lunch to also help give me a little energy boost as I have been trying to cut back on my coffee addiction. You'd be surprised how easy they are to make, and they are so good! All you need is a blender! So if you were wondering what to do with your bananas when they get too ripe, other than throwing them away or making banana bread, this is a great solution.

I freeze the fruit first, as this makes them blend smoother than just using ice. I take zipper lockable freezer baggies and put two bananas in each one, a ripe pear, and a hand full of strawberries or blueberries. When ready to make the smoothie, I put one of the bags in the microwave for about 60 seconds, just enough to defrost it quickly, keeping it partially frozen. Place into your blender, add a container of plain, vanilla or whatever flavor yogurt you might like, then fill the blender half way up with cranberry juice, puree, and wallah!

Now talking about other uses for bananas, I am sure some of you heard the story a few weeks back about the seventeen year old that attempted to rob a cafe in North Carolina. For those of you who didn't, it turns out that the "robber" held a banana under his jacket pretending he had a gun! The brave cafe owner tackled him down! I do not know what he was thinking, but he ate the banana before the cops arrived minus the peel which is now police evidence!

Most little business owners don't get as lucky unfortunately. I myself am one that learns from the mistakes of others. If you yourself are a business owner, or a homeowner for that matter, now's a good time to evaluate the security of yourself and your possessions given these incidences that we're hearing about in the news each and every single day. A complete video surveillance system is definitely the way to go!


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