Ten Things You Never Knew About Licorice

Saturday, July 18, 2009

o It's called 'Panda' Licorice because licorice roots are a real panda's favourite snack.

o Celebrity licorice devotees include Tom Hanks, Lindsay Lohan, Brad Pitt, Anne Hathaway, Kevin Spacey, Madonna and experimental TV chef Heston Blumenthal.

o The British Army issued licorice bars to all its soldiers during the Second World War after they discovered Japanese troops fighting in the jungle used it to quench their thirst. Hannibal also gave it to his 'war elephants' to give them enough energy to carry him and his army across the Alps.

o British soldiers fighting the Taliban in Helmund Province, Afghanistan, had shipments of Panda Licorice bars helicoptered into their base because it is so popular with the troops.

o The Shoe that Charlie Chaplin famously ate in the legendary silent movie The Tramp was made of licorice.

o In Pontefract, West Yorkshire, in July, you will find the annual Licorice Carnival. There is even a licorice queen crowned with a licorice crown. She will wear licorice clothes and bedazzle visitors with licorice jewels. You can buy a licorice plant to take home with you, and there is even a licorice cheese made here.

o In the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy the Orcs have black blood, so it was only natural that the inside of their mouths should not be pink but black as well. To achieve this, the Orc actors had to swill a licorice-based mouthwash prior to each of their scenes.

o Rabbits absolutely love licorice - but it is very bad for them because they cannot digest it properly.

o The licorice plant is officially classed as a 'legume', which means it is related to beans and peas. Licorice on toast anybody?

o In James Bond movie "Moonraker", when villain 'Jaws' bites the cable car line, it was actually made of licorice.


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