The Fascinating Facts About Olive Oil

Saturday, July 18, 2009
The production and manufacture of olive oil is graded by different processes which result in different levels of acidity.

There are well over 260 varieties of olive trees that bear fruit.

Among the most favorite variety are:


Several extra virgin olive oil brands contain a blend of several of these olive varieties. Some oils are of one-fruit extraction – solely. A quality olive oil will be stored in dark glass bottles. This helps to prevent oxidization which helps to prevent the loss of its valuable nutritional quality.

• Cold-pressed olive oil is the supreme of olive oils. This is the best way to have both chemical-free and low acid oil.

• Extra Virgin olive oil (EVOO) is cold pressed with a 1% of oleic acidity. This golden-green oil has the most flavor and aroma.

• Virgin olive oil is cold pressed.

• Olive oil, with an acidity between 1 to 3 %, are a combination of refined, virgin and extra virgin oils.

Light olive oil goes through a fine-filtration process. It is so called light because it is mixed mostly with canola oil. It maintains the same amount of calories as the other olive oils. Light olive oil is best used for deep-frying and mayonnaise production.

Virgin and Extra virgin olive oil are more suited to a low heat cooking. These oils make excellent salad dressings and roasts.

Caution is needed if you plan to deep fry with it. Cooking with olive oil requires specific attention. The oil is highly combustible at high temperatures and therefore loses its nutritional value. It will smoke quickly. It is suggested that a slice of stale bread will prevent it from burning. The bread will also help to keep the bitterness of the oil down.

It is easy to infuse this oil with different herbs and spices. This brings about a unique flavor. The infusion of the oil with herbs and spices were first done during the Olympic games.

Olive trees have millions of references. The first recorded history is in the book of Genesis in the Bible when the dove was release by Noah during the great flood and brought back and olive branch, signifying that there was dry land and God had delivered hope and forgiveness to mankind.

The Great Seal of America sports an olive branch. “The olive branch and the arrows signify the power of peace and war which is exclusively vested in Congress.” Charles Thomson. Equally significant are the two olive branches that enwreathe the United Nations emblem.

The beautiful Mediterranean olive groves inspired famous artists Cezanne, Matisse, Renoir and Vincent van Gogh. Jesus Christ was on the Mount of Olives when he was both arrested and later when he rose in his resurrection. These magnificent trees grow in Spain and add to the beautiful countryside and culture.

Olive oil has been burned through the centuries as our light and has been a wonderful source of food. To this very day olive oil is considered precious oil and is used by millions as a nutritional food source.


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