How to Sharpen a Knife Correctly For Beginners

Saturday, July 18, 2009
How to sharpen a knife correctly for beginners

Sharpening a knife might seem fairly easy for most people. The truth is: if you are using the wrong tools with the wrong technique, you might end up damaging your knives in the long run. While it may not be “that” hard to accomplish, the task has to be done the right way.

In this tutorial, you will learn which tools are the best for this matter and the correct way to utilize them. If you are the kind of person who enjoy the pleasures of cooking, who possess an expensive collection of knives, and doesn't want his/her cutlery to be covered with ugly scratches or chips, then this tutorial is for you.

1.Which tools to use.

First of all, avoid all the tools designed to “make your life easier” and all the low quality sharpening devices. The tools I will show you are as fast as any other and will keep your cutlery in good shape if used correctly.

The water stone:

There are many kinds and sizes of stones available. The best way to make sure that you buy the right stone for your knife is to ask the seller and to bring your knife with you when purchasing. Once you have your stone, the first thing to do is to soak it for 10 to 20 minutes in water before use. Soaking time varies from stone to stone, refer to its instructions. You know when your stone is ready when water remains standing on the surface.

When the stone is ready, place it on a surface that won't be damaged by water or dirt. Then, with an angle of more or less 20 degrees ( depending on the edge of your knife: for a sharper knife use a smaller angle. But remember: a sharper edge means a more fragile knife), sharpen your knife with long and slow movements on your stone completely covering the length of the edge, while alternating sides after each movement. Use a ribbon or a piece of paper to check the sharpness of your knife.

The Sharpening Steel:

Unlike the water stone, the sharpening steel doesn't need to be immersed in water before use, and it does not get messy. I prefer this one as it is simpler to use, and safer for your blades. (The water stone tends to erode a knife faster.) Simply hold the sharpening steel pointing down and with the other hand, hold the blade cross ways against the steel (with the edge touching it) with a small angle. You will make slow movements pulling the blade towards you, rubbing the edge from to its start to its tip. Alternate each side of the knife after each movement. Repeat the process until the blade is sharp enough.

Conclusion: I personally use the sharpening steel, as it does not require as much precautions as the water stone, doesn't get messy and tends to treat your cutlery more nicely. It is a personal choice thought, you may want to experiment both to find the one you prefer. If you treat your knives with respect, if you always dry them out immediately after washing, if you always sharpen them slowly and carefully, and if you use the right knife for the right piece of food you are cutting, then a good cutlery should last well over 25 years.

I hope this tutorial was interesting, and above all, helpful. Have fun with your culinary creations, and remember to sharpen your knives often, because a sharp knife is safer for your finger tips...


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