Health Benefits of Chocolates

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Who does not like chocolates? Whatever forms chocolates may take – bar, drink, ice cream, or cake – many people find chocolates hard to resist. The delicious taste of chocolate satisfies most cravings. No wonder it is a popular gift Philippines because anyone would love to receive chocolates.

There’s a misconception when it comes to chocolates. Some people think that these must be bad for one’s health because it simply tastes too good. However, many studies have shown that chocolates actually have many health benefits. Below are some of these benefits so that you won’t feel guilty the next time you give chocolates as a gift Philippines.

* Chocolates stimulate the secretion of endorphins, which are the hormones responsible for giving someone the “runner’s high”. If eaten, they supposedly produce pleasurable sensation which is the reason why a bar of chocolate is very popular as a gift Philippines between two people who are dating.

* Chocolate releases serotonin. This hormone is a neurotransmitter that acts as an anti-depressant. It’s no wonder many people turn to chocolates whenever they feel down and depressed.

* Chocolates also have flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Antioxidants like flavonoid help relax the blood pressure.

* Chocolates, particularly dark chocolates, can lower blood pressure and cholesterol.

* Chocolates are made from cacao, which contains antibacterial agents that fight tooth decay. However, still remember to brush your teeth after eating them because chocolates also have a high sugar content which could cause tooth decay.

* Chocolates, particularly a cup of hot chocolate, could diminish appetites if drank before a meal.

* Chocolates contain a number of nutrients. They are high in potassium, magnesium, and several vitamins like B1, B2, D, and E.

* Men who eat chocolates live a year longer than those who don’t

* Chocolates have been used by Mexican healers to treat bronchitis and insect bites.

Also, contrary to what many people might think, chocolates do not aggravate acne and they are not causative factors in acne, although they may trigger headaches in migraine sufferers.

So the next time you feel the need or urge to eat chocolates, keep in mind that in anything we consume, regulation is the key.


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