Cherry Concentrate and Cherry Concentrate with Omega3

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Cherry Essentials brand cherry concentrate and cherry concentrate with Omega 3 essential fatty acids, are antioxidant powerhouses loaded with phytonutrients such as anthocyanins, quercitin and other antioxidant compounds as well as the sleep inducing chemical melatonin. Anthocyanins, antioxidants typically found in red, blue and purple fruits and vegetables have been shown to reduce cardiac risk factors and the consequences of diabetes. Made with Montmorency cherries, our concentrates are also loaded in vitamins such as beta-carotene, C and E as well as minerals.

With Our Cherry Essentials Concentrate, we offer a delicious tasting Cherry concentrate made from tart Montmorency cherries, that can easily be diluted in water and offers nearly twice the anti-oxidant potential of blueberries! Each 30 ml serving delivers 5210 ORAC units (compared to blueberries at 2750 units) which have been shown to slow the aging process, help to quench free radical damage, while contributing to your 5-a-day servings of fruit and vegetables recommended by health care professionals. Cherry Essentials Concentrate has been shown to reduce inflammatory reactions in the body, helping to alleviate both gout and arthritis pain. In addition, Cherry Concentrate is low in sugar, making it useful for diabetics, eager to include these terrific health benefits in a delicious beverage.

Our Cherry Essential Cherry Concentrate with Omega 3 oils, provides the anti-inflammatory benefits of fish oils to the powerful antioxidant properties of Cherry Concentrate in one delicious, easy to drink concentrate. Omega 3 essential fatty acids have been shown to reduce total body inflammation, easing the pain of arthritis, while contributing to a healthy heart by promoting proper circulation and reducing the inflammatory response associated with heart disease. In addition, Omega 3 essential fatty acids have been shown to improve mood and stress levels through their ability to promote serotonin production. Combined with the melatonin properties of Cherry Concentrate, our Cherry Omega Concentrate can help promote a tranquil mind and contribute to an overall sense of wellbeing.

Montmorency Cherries are a valuable nutritional resource to help slow the aging process, and promote a healthy heart all while helping you get a good nights sleep from its rich source of melatonin.

Cherry Essentials values your health and distributes quality products targeted to meet your nutritional needs. With Our Cherry Essentials Omega Concentrate, we offer a delicious tasting Cherry and Omega 3 essential fatty acid concentrate that can easily be diluted in water. Each 30 ml (one ounce) serving delivers 5210 ORAC antioxidant units along with 75mg of DHA & EPA, a valuable source of Omega 3 essential fatty acids, a helping dose to reduce the risk of heart disease and help control inflammatory pathways in the body. The 30ml dose of cherry has been shown to slow the aging process, help to quench free radical damage, while contributing to your 5-a-day serving of fruit and vegetables recommended by health care professionals as part of a healthy diet. Our Cherry Omega Concentrate would also be a valuable nutritional adjunct for the diabetic patient, helping to reduce insulin resistance.

Simply mix 30ml, which is the equivalent of two tablespoons, to 240 - 270ml of water and enjoy. Your body, as well as your taste buds, will thank you.


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